Revamp your walls with ease: Transforming textured wallpaper with stylish overlays

When it comes to home decoration, the walls play a substantial role in setting the overall look and feel of the space. However, dealing with textured walls can be a daunting task, especially when you want to overlay them with stylish wallpaper. If you are in this predicament, you're probably wondering, "Can I put wallpaper over textured wallpaper?" The answer isn't a simple yes or no. In this article, we aim to provide you with comprehensive insights and solutions to your wallpaper woes. Specifically, we'll tackle the challenges of textured wallpaper, explore the possibility of wallpaper overlays, and share practical tips and tricks for a successful transformation. So, if you're ready to revamp your walls with ease, read on! This guide might just be the boost you need to kickstart your home improvement project.

Understanding Textured Wallpaper: Types and Challenges

The Different Types of Textured Wallpaper

When it comes to home décor, textured wallpaper is a popular choice for many homeowners. The tactile allure and visual depth it adds to walls can undoubtedly bring personality and flair to any room. However, not all textured wallpapers are created equal. There are several types, each with their own unique characteristics. Some are subtly textured, creating a soft, understated effect. Others boast more pronounced patterns and textures, creating a bold, dramatic look.

Among these, you might encounter embossed wallpapers that feature raised patterns, adding a three-dimensional effect to your walls. Then there's the flock wallpaper, a luxurious type with a fuzzy, velvety feel. You might also come across the bead wallpaper, adorned with tiny beads to add a touch of glamour to your space.

Why Textured Wallpaper Can Be Problematic for Overlays

While textured wallpaper can be a stylish choice, it can also pose some challenges when you're planning to put a new layer of wallpaper over it. The main issue lies in the uneven surface that textured wallpaper creates. When you apply a new layer of wallpaper over it, the underlying texture can show through, distorting the pattern of the new wallpaper and potentially leading to poor adhesion.

This is especially true for wallpapers with a lighter weight or a subtle pattern, where the texture beneath can easily become visible. Even more, textured surfaces can make wallpaper seams more noticeable. These seams need to match not only side to side but also in terms of depth. With textured walls, you might encounter thousands of slight texture differences between adjacent seamed sheets, which can lead to an imperfect finish.

Moreover, applying wallpaper over textured wallpaper can increase the risk of potential issues with mold and fungus, especially in humid environments like bathrooms. This is due to the numerous dips and gaps in textured walls, which can trap moisture and provide a breeding ground for mold and fungus.

As such, understanding the type of textured wallpaper you have and its potential challenges is crucial before you decide to put a new layer of wallpaper over it. But don't fret! In the following sections, we will discuss solutions to these challenges, helping you navigate the process of overlaying your textured wallpaper with ease and confidence.

Can You Put Wallpaper Over Textured Wallpaper: The Short Answer

When it comes to home renovations, everyone wants a straightforward answer. So, can you put wallpaper over textured wallpaper? The short answer is yes, but the process and results can vary significantly depending on the type of texture and the new wallpaper you choose.

Wallpapering Over Lightly Textured Wallpaper

If your walls have a light texture, the good news is that wallpaper will stick just fine. The key here is that the texture is light enough not to interfere with the adherence or appearance of the new wallpaper. The process is quite straightforward, similar to wallpapering over a smooth wall. However, remember that the texture might slightly show through the new wallpaper, especially if it's thin or light in color.

The Risks of Wallpapering Over Heavily Textured Wallpaper

When it comes to heavy textures, the situation becomes more complicated. Heavily textured walls can be too rough for wallpaper, causing issues such as visible bumps and lumps, and poor adhesion. These rough textures might not only show through the wallpaper but could also damage it as you try to smooth out any bumps or attempt to wipe it clean.

Moreover, the seams of the wallpaper may not lay flat against a heavily textured wall, which can give an uneven look to your newly decorated wall. To avoid these potential problems, it's highly recommended to apply a skim coat to heavily textured walls before adding wallpaper, a process we will discuss more in the next section.

In summary, while it's possible to put wallpaper over textured wallpaper, the success of this project largely depends on the severity of the texture and the type of wallpaper you choose. With careful planning and preparation, you can successfully revamp your walls, transforming your living space with stylish overlays.

Preparing Your Textured Walls for Wallpaper: The Skim Coating Process

When it comes to successfully applying wallpaper over textured walls, the magic lies within the preparation stage. This is where skim coating comes into play. So, what is skim coating, and why is it so essential? Let's delve into it.

What is Skim Coating and Why is it Necessary?

Skim coating is a technique used in painting and decorating to smooth out uneven or textured surfaces. It involves applying a thin layer of joint compound (also referred to as mudding) to a wall or ceiling, which fills in the grooves and bumps, creating a flat surface ideal for wallpapering.

The necessity of skim coating becomes evident when you try to apply wallpaper directly to a textured wall. The uneven surface can lead to poor adhesion, leading to the wallpaper peeling off or revealing the texture underneath. Thus, skim coating is an essential step to ensure that your new wallpaper adheres correctly and lasts longer.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Skim Coating Your Textured Walls

To achieve a successful skim coat, you'll need to follow a simple yet effective process. This process includes knocking off sharp points, cleaning the walls, preparing and applying the joint compound, and finally sanding the walls.

Step 1: Knock off Sharp Points

Start by using a wide drywall knife to knock off any high ridges or sharp points on your textured walls. This step will help to level the surface and prepare it for the joint compound.

Step 2: Clean the Walls

Next, clean the walls thoroughly using a microfiber cloth and a cleaning product such as TSP (Trisodium Phosphate). This step ensures that the joint compound adheres properly to the wall.

Step 3: Prepare the Joint Compound

Place the joint compound into a drywall tray and press down to eliminate bubbles. The compound should have a consistency similar to that of creamy peanut butter.

Step 4: Apply the Joint Compound

Now, spread the compound across the wall in long strokes using the drywall knife. Try to fill in the low spots while leaving the high spots flush with the skim coat.

Step 5: Let the Skim Coat Dry

Once the entire wall is covered, let the skim coat dry for at least two hours, but preferably 12 or more. You can use a fan on low speed to promote drying.

Step 6: Sand the Wall

Lastly, lightly sand the wall using fine-grit drywall sandpaper, just enough to smooth out any rough spots. Clean off the drywall dust before applying your wallpaper.

By following this process, you can effectively prepare your textured walls for wallpaper, ensuring a smooth and long-lasting finish. In the next section, we'll discuss how to choose the right wallpaper for your now perfectly prepared walls.

Choosing the Right Wallpaper for Your Textured Walls

When it comes to transforming your textured walls, the type of wallpaper you choose plays a crucial role. From the adhesive to the wallpaper itself, each component significantly impacts the final outcome. Here, we'll delve into why peel and stick wallpaper from ONDECOR is a great choice, and discuss other options you might consider.

The Benefits of Using Peel and Stick Wallpaper from ONDECOR

An excellent place to start is with peel and stick wallpaper. Not only is it a popular choice among renters and homeowners alike, but it also boasts a self-adhesive backing that makes the application process simple and fuss-free. This ease of use, combined with the design versatility it offers, makes it a top pick for many.

ONDECOR's peel and stick wallpaper stands out for its superior quality and design variety. Whether you're looking to create a serene and tranquil atmosphere with a blue tile wallpaper or inject a touch of exotic elegance with the intricate designs of a Moroccan tile wallpaper, ONDECOR has got you covered. Plus, if you're dealing with lightly textured walls, these wallpapers can often provide satisfactory coverage.

Other Wallpaper Options: Traditional and Commercial

While peel and stick wallpaper is a fantastic option, traditional and commercial wallpapers also have their unique advantages. Traditional wallpaper, like Graham & Brown’s textured beadboard and Innocence textured vinyl wallpaper, can offer a more permanent solution. They are usually applied with an adhesive like the Roman liquid wallpaper adhesive and can provide a longer-lasting bond, especially beneficial for textured walls.

On the other hand, commercial wallpapers are more durable and can withstand higher levels of wear and tear, making them an ideal choice for high-traffic areas in your home or commercial space.

When choosing your wallpaper, remember to consider not only the design and color but also the type of adhesive and the wall's texture. Running a test patch before final application can also help you get a better idea of how the wallpaper will look on your textured walls.

In the next section, we'll share some tips and tricks to ensure a successful wallpaper overlay on your textured walls, so stay tuned!

Tips and Tricks for Successful Wallpaper Overlays on Textured Walls

Even though it's possible to overlay wallpaper on textured walls, it's crucial to remember that the process isn't as simple as pasting wallpaper on a smooth surface. It requires some additional steps and considerations to ensure a beautiful and long-lasting finish. Let's dive into some proven strategies that will guide you in successfully transforming your textured walls with wallpaper.

Testing Your Wallpaper on Your Textured Walls

Before you begin the wallpapering process, it's essential to test your chosen wallpaper on your textured walls. This step helps you gauge how well the wallpaper adheres to the texture and how the design and color look against the textured backdrop. You can apply a small patch of wallpaper to your wall and observe it over a few days. This will give you an idea of how the paper holds up to daily wear and tear and how it reacts to changing environmental conditions.

Using Darker Colors, Small Patterns, and Thicker Wallpaper to Hide Texture

One of the keys to successfully overlaying wallpaper on textured walls is choosing the right wallpaper design and material. Certain types and designs of wallpaper can help mask the underlaying texture, making the overlay more effective.

For instance, wallpapers in darker colors, such as those found in Mercury Row’s Clinton geometric wallpaper collection, can help mask the texture underneath. Dark colors tend to create an illusion of depth which helps to distract the eye from any underlying texture.

In addition, wallpapers with small intricate patterns can also serve to distract the eye from the texture underneath. The patterns draw the eye's attention, making the wall texture less noticeable.

Lastly, using thicker, textured wallpaper can be an excellent choice for overlaying on textured walls. Thicker wallpapers, like Graham & Brown’s white geometric paper, are more effective in hiding wall texture because of their dense material, which makes the texture beneath less noticeable.

With these tips in mind, you’re more equipped to navigate the challenging terrain of wallpapering textured walls. The process may be a bit more demanding, but with the right approach and the right materials, you can achieve a stunning finish that beautifully transforms your walls.

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The Impact of Room Conditions on Wallpaper Overlays

When you're planning to install wallpaper, it's not just the type of texture on your walls that matters. The condition of your room can significantly impact your wallpapering project. Two factors can greatly affect your wallpaper overlays: the level of humidity in your room and the flatness of your walls.

The Effect of High Humidity on Wallpaper Overlays

High humidity can be a wallpaper's worst enemy, especially if you're dealing with textured walls. Areas such as laundry rooms or bathrooms that experience high humidity can pose a unique challenge for wallpaper overlays. The moisture in these rooms can accumulate in the small crevices of textured wallpaper, creating an environment prone to mold and fungus growth.

Even if you can't see the mold, it could be silently growing behind your wallpaper, causing potential health hazards and damaging the look of your wallpaper over time. However, don't let this dampen your enthusiasm for wallpapering your bathroom or laundry room! An effective solution is to use a wallpaper paste with mold and mildew inhibitors. This type of paste can help safeguard your wallpaper from the adverse effects of high humidity.

Why a Flat Wall is Always Better for Wallpaper Installation

While textured walls can add visual interest, they can also complicate wallpaper installation. For the best results, a flat wall is indisputably the ideal surface for wallpaper application. Why so? A flat wall ensures the wallpaper has a consistent surface to stick to, improving both the aesthetic and functional outcome of your wallpaper installation.

Textured walls, particularly those with heavily textured surfaces like popcorn or knockdown textures, can make your wallpaper appear bumpy and unnatural, diminishing the overall look of your wallpaper design. In addition, trying to force wallpaper to adhere to a rough surface can put unnecessary strain on the paper, increasing the risk of damage during installation.

By taking the time to flatten your walls using a technique such as skim coating, you're not only improving the adhesion of your wallpaper but also dramatically enhancing its visual appeal. Yes, it might require a bit more work, but the stunning results are well worth the effort.

The takeaway here? While room conditions can certainly impact your wallpaper overlays, they don't have to be a deal-breaker. By understanding the potential challenges and taking steps to address them, you can achieve a professional-looking wallpaper installation that you'll love for years to come.

Conclusion: Transforming Your Textured Walls with Ease

Revamping your walls doesn't have to be a Herculean task. By understanding the nitty-gritty of overlaying wallpaper over textured walls, you can transform your living spaces with confidence. If you are dealing with lightly textured wallpaper, simply selecting the right overlay may suffice. However, for heavily textured walls, a bit more preparation might be required, including the skim coating process, which ensures a smoother and flatter base for your new wallpaper.

Remember, the quality of your wallpaper is paramount. With a reputable brand like ONDECOR, you can choose from a wide array of designs and materials that are both stylish and durable. From the convenient peel-and-stick wallpapers that are a breeze to install, to the more traditional and commercial options, there's something for everyone.

When it comes to choosing the right design for your wallpaper overlay, consider factors such as the room's humidity levels, the color and pattern of the wallpaper, and your personal style. Darker colors, small patterns, and thicker wallpapers can be great choices to help hide texture and achieve a more polished look.

Lastly, don't forget to test your chosen wallpaper on a small patch of your textured wall before going all out. This will give you a clear idea of how the overlay will look and perform.

In the end, transforming textured wallpaper with stylish overlays is about more than just aesthetics. It's about creating a space that reflects your personality and makes you feel at home. So go ahead, explore your options, and start your transformation journey with ONDECOR today. With a little preparation and the right materials, you'll be able to create a stunning space you'll love. Happy decorating!

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